The New Myspace: No longer a Graveyard to Millennial youth

Lindsey Karkos
3 min readDec 28, 2020


Everyone’s first internet BFF ❤ Thanks, Tom!

MySpace. In simply reading that word (err, words?), was anyone else taken back to the days of Emo and highschool self-identity crisis?

The days of Xanga, GaiaOnline, heavy eyeliner and obscene humor and music that made us feel infinite?

Well, my fine folks — Myspace has changed up the way they do social media.

For the last decade or more, Myspace was fading fast struggling to keep up with the Facebook Empire:

an epilogue to emo,
our swan-song to Scene,

AND an overture to the social media we know today.

It’s now a social networking site for musicians and bands, that produces content as well. It’s a way for bands to connect with their fans and vice versa.

Artists are able to upload their complete discographies and even sell music from their profiles.

From the ghost-town of my Emo phase to a hosting site for bands to promote themselves. I see you, MySpace..

It would be unwise to assume that Myspace will stay exclusively in the lane of Musicians; in fact, upon sign up, myspace prompts users to identify themselves in a check-box fashion: Musician, fan, photographer, filmmaker, writer, brand, athlete, model, etc. Very clearly, myspace is taking this information in to become a music based, but all inclusive social media platform.

One of the coolest features they have is the ability to create your own playlists, and you can play them WHILE you browse around Myspace. If you want to build your portfolio section out, you can jam out without having to use Spotify. While there are short commercials in the stream, so far, it looks very free-form as far as being able to just click a song and play in any order without a paid subscription.

I advise anyone working in Digital Marketing to not overlook this “old-school” social platform — I feel they’re about to make some waves. It’s pretty new and still a little buggy with some of the navigation and the dropdown menus, but keep an eye on what their next moves will be!

-Lindsey e.



Lindsey Karkos

I am a question-asking, knowledge seeking, results-driven data-nerd with a desire to align myself with organizations that prioritize people over process.